Barmoor, Hutton-le-hole, North Yorkshire Moors
from 3pm Thursday 5th June to 3pm Sunday 8th June
a long weekend retreat to really make a difference.

Feedback from 2024
a beautiful experience . . . powerful and wonderful . . . authentic and soulful
a spirit of curiousity and playfulness . . . flexible, fluid and relaxed timetable
great balance between activity and space . . . laughter and acceptance
a safe space to relax and be open . . . meeting ourselves differently
a reminder that unity is possible, with all our beautiful differences.
Yoga at dawn, under the stars, in the summer sunshine. Sharing key practices to nourish your life – nadi sodhana, swara yoga, Restorative yoga, playful and dynamic Hatha yoga and meditation. Ayurvedic cleansing practices including jala neti and coconut/castor oil pulling.
Chanting and kirtan (singing) with our beautiful, adventure queen Lindsay Vandita. Let yourself be guided by this experienced chant leader and let go into the healing power of sound.
Mantra practice (repeating a key phrase/chant) is one of the most effective ways of quietening our over active brains and connecting to our heart and soul. Whether you choose to chant out loud or quietly to yourself, the practice works to focus awareness and heighten consciousness. The Sanskrit alphabet in itself offers its own healing technology.
Workshops Crafts, dowsing, foraging and making natural remedies.
Create a spiral labyrinth. Its amazing how walking a labyrinth can be such a profound, meditative experience. Our ancestors enjoyed them and so can we. Its one of the best ways to go on a quest with a question or just an open heart and hear guidance.
Plenty of free time to ramble in the acres of peace and freedom surrounding beloved Barmoor, including the ridiculously charming chocolate box cover Hutton-le-hole.
Massage and other therapies available (pay therapist directly). Lovely Ali will be joining us to offer massage, Indian head massage and Reiki.
Delicious home made vegetarian food, treats and drinks.
Barmoor is a huge old Victorian house. It is a real sanctuary and home for us.
Only 12 places ~ 6 remaining
This year go home with a Great Goodness Bag taking a whole load of gifts from the retreat back home. I’m really hoping that this will make it easier to integrate the things you loved about the retreat back into your life.
Shared room (with one other) £420 – five spaces left
Single room £520 – one left
book via sonia@1body1soul.co.uk
‘One of the best things I’ve done in my life.’ Lynne
‘The benefits of the space you hold for people and the community you help create can’t be underestimated. What you’re doing is making a real difference to people – and the world. I feel blessed to be a part of it :)’ our Debs
Calling tribe:
Down to earth women who like to have a good laugh,
Living divine feminine open to realising more pure potential,
Green goddesses up for yogaing in nature
Wise women who might want to play with dowsing and making a labyrinth
White witches free to forage elderflowers, plantain and other herbs.
Crafty cats loving the exhilaration of creativity
And the peace it brings.
Essentially welcome reet grand, kind–hearted, good souls
We meet as the moon grows full
Details of the schedule closer to the time – in the meantime there’s promises of one wicked time. As always.
book sonia@1body1soul.co.uk
One of my main aims in retreat is to generate community – a common unity. In this spirit of relaxed ease, support, love and trust so we can blossom and help each other shine for who we truly are. Yoga gives us the gift to connect with our true nature, to come from our heart and soul. Our bodies are relaxed and energised and so are our minds. Workshops can empower us with skills, crafts help us engage with our all important creative spirit. Great food gives us much happiness. And the friendship which grows for ourselves and for each other anchors in yet more faith, hope and love!
book sonia@1body1soul.co.uk
This is some of what we enjoyed in ’23

Rest, rebalance and recharge
before the Merry Madness 🙂
Thurs afternoon Nov 30 to 1pm Sunday Dec 3 – with the option to come on Wednesday if you like.
Barmoor, Hutton-le-hole, N Yorkshire Moors
So, before it all gets a bit silly busy and happy clappy . . . take some time o u t . . . to go in. This is a great opportunity to centre and align so that we can move into the the potentially silly season with authenticity, integrity and oodles of energy.

Barmoor is a beautiful old house nestled in the North Yorkshire Moors. It has lovely sweeping staircases, stained glass windows and wood-panelled walls. Open fires in the dining/sitting room and meditation room warm heart and soul. And a great big wood burner in the yoga studio keeps our bodies nice and warm too.
This retreat offers precious time to live from our heart and soul. We have the chance to relax deeply, heal and energise. We can experience the incredible joy of simply being happy to be ourselves. And be nourished by a sense of family and friendship together.
Fundamental to this freedom of authenticity is being firmly anchored within. Instead of looking outside for reassurance and affirmation, with the gift of yoga we are able to respect and trust our inner resources. From this place of power, we can open to the limitless expansive energy that is the spirit of life.
Living in these extraordinary times, it is becoming increasingly realised that everyone can make a huge difference in the way life evolves. Lets help ourselves and each other to be our very best.
There is increasing evidence how important it is to give our digestive systems a rest. The practice of intermittent fasting is proving to be important for our wellbeing, especially in the way it boosts our immunity. There’ll be the opportunity to explore having longer pauses between supper and breakfast – always with the option to eat fruit and nuts if you are just too hungry or it doesn’t feel right for you. Before the indulgence of Xmas it feels wise to connect in with our bodies and tune in to what feels nourishing for us.
Retreat program – this is what will likely happen – some wiggle room for change.
Thursday afternoon – settle, walk, wander, and wonder.
6pm early evening welcome feast followed by deeply relaxing Restorative yoga led by me and a gong bath given by gongtastic Tanya

8 Jala neti cleansing practice followed by Qi Gong with FantasticFran and Hatha yoga with SuperSon
10 Delicious break fast.
11am With any luck, we’ll be able to walk Andrew Goldsworthy’s Hanging Stones exhibition set in farm outbuildings in the nearby valley of Rosedale. Its stunning, so inspiring. There’ll be the option to do some or all of the walk, but we’re back in Barmoor in the Spring so probably best just to some of it – it takes at least 5 hours to do the whole thing . . .

If there is a shoot on that day, it takes priority over us (???) so instead, we can ramble in nearby beautiful Farndale where wildlife is abundant. Back to nature! And we’ll create our own sculptures – yogic and otherwise – instead 🙂 We’ll have plenty of cocoa and snacks to keep us happily going on any adventure we go on.
If the weather is rubbish we can get crafty/Therapeutic yoga workshop in cosy Barmoor instead and/or have a private therapy session.
5/6pm ish Supper (the time depending on what has occured in the day)
7/8pm Therapeutic and Restorative yoga followed by mantra practice and meditation ~ chanting the 32 names of Durga, the divine feminine, goddess or kirtan with Tanya.
8 Jala neti cleansing practice followed by Qi Gong and Hatha Yoga
10.30 Meditation
11:00 Delicious late break fast
12:30 Craft workshop/playshop or private therapy session or tarot reading with Jess
3.30 ‘Lunchtime’ feast
4.30 Room to read, to roam or receive ~ therapy session or tarot card reading with Jess
6:30 Light soup supper
7.30/8 Restorative yoga, yoga nidra, mantra practice and meditation ~ chanting the 32 names of Durga, the divine feminine, goddess with me/kirtan with Tanya
7:30 Jala neti cleansing practice followed by Qi Gong with fantastic Fran
8:00 Yoga with props and partners
10:00 Special breakfast feast followed by a nice and easy pack up and clear up
12:30 Closing ceremony, affirmation and integration.
Single room £480
Shared room (max 2 people) £360
Additional night arriving on Wed afternoon £60
There’ll be acutonics, massage, healing, reflexology and tarot card readings on offer – pay the therapist/reader – Tanya, Ali, Jess or myself directly.
To book please contact sonia@1body1soul.co.uk
Feedback from Spring Yoga Retreat 23
‘I leave feeling like I’ve had my wheels re-balanced and a full service! I’m ready to return to life with a happy and confident stride. Fabulous’ Faith

‘This precious time with you and our sisterhood has renewed my love, laughter and energy.” Debs
‘What a wonderful retreat. Amazing place, amazing food, amazing sisters.’ Suz
‘Sonia is a master yogini. As such, she wouldn’t say so herself, but she is! She creates this nurturing, wholesome environment where you are allowed to rest in yourself, deepen your connection to yourself, others and beyond. She keeps it fun, real, grounded so we can fly.’ Cristina

‘Thank you for another perfect experience.’ Liz

Future events
I’m currently planning more events for 2024 – including foraging, fermenting, canning, herbal remedies, dowsing workshops. As well as yoga. All sorts of good stuff. Sign up to my mailing list for the info when it comes out.
This was the content of Spring Yoga Retreat 23
Barmoor, Hutton le Hole, North Yorkshire Moors.
with special guest tutors:
voice gurista Cristina
gong and kirtan queen Tanya
Qi gong empowerer Frantastic Fran
and glasswork and felting crafts facilitator
beautiful beachfairy Suzanne
and here is my magic cat Elva who will likely be with us once again
Barmoor, a lovely rambling Victorian house with wood panelled walls, a grand staircase, open fires . .
surrounded by nature
and loads of room to play in
a warm yoga studio to practice in
and plenty of open countryside around
In this retreat we have plenty of time
to immerse in nurturing experiences
which will help us expand
into our innate sense of freedom and joy.
Crafts, additional work/play shops will add further food for nourishment.
And as for food – well deliciousness abounds.
Our food and drinks are mostly locally sourced/organic. We eat a great detox diet (essentially no sugar, wheat or dairy) to give our bodies a break and a boost. Spring is the time to spring clean.
Apart from detoxing you’re also invited to practice intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting involves eating main meals in an 8 hour window. This has huge health benefits including stimulating the immune system, enalbing cellular repair, reducing inflammation, improving circulation and promoting weight loss. Of course, if intermittent fasting isn’t for you then our incredible chefs, Louisa and Fran, will make sure that there is ample food to nourish you.
Most importantly, we can be nourished by a sense of family, community, tribe, of friendship together.
I hope that my retreats offer precious time to practice coming from our heart and soul, to being authentic and free. We have long been programmed to behave in certain ways which suppress our true nature. Now we have the chance to relax deeply, heal and energise. We can experience the incredible joy of simply being happy to be ourselves.
Fundamental to this freedom is being firmly anchored within. Instead of looking outside for reassurance and affirmation with the gift of yoga ‘n all we are able to respect and trust our inner resources. From this place of power we can open to the limitless expanisve energy that is the Spirit of Life.
We live in extraordinary times. It is becoming increasingly realised that each one of us can make a huge difference to the way Life evolves. Lets help ourselves and each other be our very best.
Feedback from a retreatee last year:
‘When you go on a 1body1soul yoga retreat you enter an environment deeply nourishing for your mind, body, soul and spirit. It’s super relaxed, it’s fun, it’s deep at times, it’s joyful. The food is extraordinary and the nature around breathtaking. There’s freedom and flexibility, and a deep sense of community brought about not only by yoga and meditation but also crafting together, the act of being in company and conversation with other women, here and now. Sonia is an immensely wise woman who provides the grounding from which all magic happens. Her ability to listen intuitively and adapt the yoga sessions to whatever arises in the group there and then is unparalleled and, to me, the mark of a true teacher. She talks the talk and walks the walk…or perhaps it’d be more accurate to say she sings the song and dances the dance! I came out nourished in every possible sense of the word, happy and fully recharged. Highly recommend is an understatement.’
Likely itinerary – we’ll very much be guided by the weather. On sunny days we’ll make the most of being outside. Yoga in nature is ab fab. One day I’m hoping we might even have a picnic. Sometimes it gets pretty hot in April.
Wed arrival day from 12pm. Settle, walk, wander and wonder. Simple soup or ample salads lunch available for whenever you rock up – it depends on the weather. Healthy sweet treats will be available too.
6pm early evening welcome feast followed by deeply relaxing Restorative yoga and yoga nidra.
Thurs, Fri, Sat
7.30 Qi gong with fantastic Fran
8 jala neti (cleansing practice)
fruit/summat else available for those who don’t want to go for intermittent fasting
lemon water/hot drinks for those who do.
8.30 to 10.30 immersive yoga practice
11 delicious late breakfast
12 workshop/playshop (eg voice session or crafting with glass) or private therapy session
3 lunchtime feast
4 workshop/playshop/room to roam or therapy session
6.30pm light soup supper
8 pm Restorative yoga ~ gong bath
mantra practice and meditation.
Chanting the 32 names of durga, the divine feminine, goddess.
7.30 neti, pranayama and meditation
8 yoga ~ props and/or partner
10 special breakfast
followed by a nice and easy pack up and clear up
12 light lunch
1 closing ceremony ~ affirmation and integration ~ with sung blessings from Cristina
fare well dear, dear friends
Maximum 12 guests. Barmoor can sleep 26 but intimacy and ease are easier with fewer folk :-).
Wed April 19 to Sunday April 23
All inclusive: accommodation, food and all yoga sessions and workshops
Single room £540
Shared room £420 (max 2 retreatees)
Therapy sessions – massage, acutonics and reflexology are an additional cost and are payable directly to our esteemed practitioners; magic hands Ali, shining shamanista Tanya and yours truly (scrumptious).
Prices are kept low to help make the retreat accessible. Many yoga retreats squeeze people in chockablock and charge more than £600 for Fri eve to Sun lunch . . . this is a spacious 5 day retreat. All hands on deck for washing up and general domestic goddessness to help make this so.
You can book your space by emailing me sonia@1body1soul.co.uk
Feedback from previous retreats
“The whole experience has been very, very special. The atmosphere has been warm, nurturing and lots of fun. I leave feeling full of joy and also brimming with love and compassion and enthusiasm.” Liz
“An amazing experience.” Sally
“The venue, the programme, the food, the company, Sonia, the stars! All brilliant!” Sam
Terms and conditions
Up to two weeks before the retreat all moneys are refundable as long as someone else is able to take your place, minus £90 admin fee for being annoying. Most events sell out and have waiting lists but I can get very busy with my Teacher Training work so please do give me as much notice as possible. Thank you.